Jul 03


Paper Chart Improvements

Reduce the workload of cartographic feature compilation with improved vector-based dynamic masking and access the latest changes to the IHO S-4 standard for feature symbolization and fill patterns.

New Cartographic Portrayal Options

Two new automated cartography techniques are introduced in Paper Chart Composer 4.

First, dynamic cartography for greater user control over how cartographic features are digitized in INT1 portrayals.

Second, a new conditional portrayal approach that uses attributes of one feature to determine how other cartographic features are portrayed. For example, a compass rose feature can be created and portrayed automatically based on the properties of the underlying magnetic variation feature.

Connect to Bathy DataBASE

BASE Editor's industry leading bathymetry compilation toolkit is now accessible from within Paper Chart Composer. New optional add-on licensed modules for BDB Server Connection and Bathymetry Compilation provide users with access to features and coverages stored in a BDB Server database as well as a subset of tools from BASE Editor to support vector bathymetric feature compilation. It includes the ability to generate and process safe side contours, perform sounding selections, smooth bands and more.

New Licensing Technology

HPD is following suit in incorporating our new licensing technology. This upgraded licensing is softkey based, so no physical dongles are required; a license Entitlement will be created for software activation.

Key benefits of this new technology include:

  • Convenient and easy softkey activation
  • The elimination of physical hardware removes the possibility of damage or loss
  • No more need of a separate licensing tool
  • Faster software purchase and setup
  • Improved license usage transparency for network license users

For more information about the new licensing technology and how it will affect your organization contact Customer Services, or visit License FAQ.

Questions? Quotes? Contact sales.