

SeaMap: A collaborative, undergraduate-focused Seafloor Mapping Program

SeaMap: A collaborative, undergraduate-focused Seafloor Mapping Program During the recent 2012 Ocean Sciences meeting held in Salt Lake City, Utah, 12 undergraduate students presented eight studies during a poster session on emerging research on the global ocean and society, including science education, outreach and public policy.

In addition to student contributions, faculty members from the College of Charleston and University of Washington, and CARIS USA staff presented a poster titled "SeaMap: A collaborative, undergraduate-focused Seafloor Mapping Program".

SeaMap is a collaborative program among the College of Charleston, University of Washington, and CARIS and offers undergraduate students multibeam sonar bathymetric survey training, shipboard experience, and research and internship opportunities. Students learn CARIS software, gain at-sea experience (aboard the NOAA Ship Nancy Foster or R/V Thompson), conduct projects, and present their research.

The poster can also be found on our website under The Projects section of our Academic Partnering web pages.

Published 2012-03-09

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